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Interface 1.2+ Directives

Directives are React components that can be used to pass values (even rendered) to upper context and control your app from within the page—to direct it what to do, hence the name.

You can render as many directives as you want, the last one rendered wins.

This principle ensures the ability to override the value of a directive from within any nested component.

You can use Title component that uses directive to control the title of your page at any nesting depth. You can render default Title component in the root of your route and override it in any nested component.

1. Setting values with directive in the page

To use a directive that will push value to the parent context just render the Directive component with the name and content props.

import * as React from 'react'
import { CommonSlots } from '@contember/layout'
import { Directive, Title } from '../components/Directives'

export default () => (
<Directive name="title" content="Page Title" />
<p>Some content</p>

<p>Nested content</p>
<Directive name="title" content="Override Page Title" />

2. Creating Directives

To create a directive, you need to use the createDirectiveContext factory function.


To make the usage of directives easier, you can create a shorthand component. For example, you can create a Title component that will render the Directive component with the title name.

import { createDirectiveContext } from '@contember/layout';
import * as React from 'react';

type DirectivesType = {
'title': string | null | undefined;

const directivesDefaultValues: DirectivesType = Object.freeze({
'title': undefined,

export const directivesList = Object.keys(directivesDefaultValues) as (keyof DirectivesType)[]
export const [DirectivesProvider, Directive, DirectivesConsumer, useDirectives] = createDirectiveContext<DirectivesType>('Directives', directivesDefaultValues)

// Short-hand for <Directive name="title" content={children} />
export const Title = React.memo<{ children: string | null | undefined }>(({ children }) => (
<Directive name="title" content={children} />

3. Applying the directives in the layout

To use the directives in the layout, you need to use the useDirectives hook.

import { useDirectives } from "../Directives"

export const Layout = ({ children: pages }: React.PropsWithChildren) => {
const directives = useDirectives()

return (
